These are some pics of this n that, mainly i wanted to try out the lens..

Okay, here's the thing.. Makes my camera look big and heavy. The camera looks inferior to this somehow.. This VR (vibration reduction) option comes in handy when at low light the shutter speed needs to be stepped down and with zooming this would cause shaking if shooting hand held. So this VR actually can compensate quite well for the shaking.. eats up battery though. Could here some noise coming from the lens when shoot button half pressed..


Some light room effect..



I happened to wake up early and had nothing to do.. wasn't so bad afterall..

Can say the first "proper" bird (or da only one around), shot from this lens..

A jet just happened to have passed by.. adding to the subject

Feed on light..


Branching near - far

Some shapes and colours that caught my eye..

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